
DC Shorts has just updated its website for the 2007 film festival. Our film Barberin’ will be screening during the shorts screening #5, at 6pm on Saturday September 15th at Landmark’s E Street Theater (and then hopefully during the “best of” screenings during the rest of the following week).

Tickets go on sale August 15th, so be sure to get yours as soon as they are available because last year all of the shows sold out!

More Timelapse.

lion.jpgOn another note, we just finished re-shooting some time-lapse of the Golan Heights at sunset. This time we used the XH A1 instead of a dSLR. We just set up the camcorder on a tripod, and filmed an hour’s worth of tape. The mountains changed color from orange, to pink, to deep purple, and some wispy clouds slowly crawled across the sky. We don’t have a way to speed up the footage any faster than just fast forwarding it on the camera, but it still looked pretty cool when we watched it that way. Using the XH A1 and an hour’s worth of tape seems to be much easier than using our Maxxum 5d. We have a few more planned timelapse shots left: the dining room at lunch and the sunrise over the mountains. They should both turn out really well and add a layer of awesome to our film.

A Breakthrough?

Today we found out that we will be able to film a meeting between Frankie, his boss and the kibbutz community manager as they discuss the future of his job. We’ve caught Frankie discussing his job situation and issues with money repeatedly, and even filmed him showing us the letter he received in which he discovered that he was fired from his job at the hotel. But we never actually had any interaction between Frankie and his bosses — crucial material that would illustrate one of Frankie’s conflicts in the kibbutz. Now that we actually get to film such an interaction tomorrow, we hope that it will provide the material we have been seeking.

One Comment

  1. Danielle Schulman

    Tesa and Ben-
    I just wanted to say this is such an interesting experience you are writting about. I just started reading your blog and I researched a little bit about the kibbutz, and it sounds amazing! I wish you the best with the film and I can’t wait until you get back to DC to talk about it.

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