It’s been nearly two weeks since DC Shorts has ended, and all the excitement of being directors at a film festival has subsided. We left the competition without any prizes, but we definitely did not leave empty handed. Great parties, family and friends, and having a large audience to watch your film is really what makes festivals so much fun.
Our film screened to a packed house (about 300 people), and everyone seemed to love it. There was laughter in all the right places, and loud applause at the end – we couldn’t ask for anything more. The film also looked and sounded suprisingly good blown up on a giant movie theater screen. All of the other films that screened at the festival (that we saw) were also quite excellent.
We also received another two mentions in the press, so that gives us confidence. Being singled out in both the Washington Post (!!!) and on the website Not For Tourists makes us feel pretty special!
Here are some pictures of us enjoying the lime light at the festival: