We have officially begun post production on the Kibbutz doc! Alas, the Mac Pro was not updated last week, so we do not have our own edit bay yet, but we have found a temporary solution that allows us to start capturing our footage. We just couldn’t go any longer without working on the project. With only a few hours each weekend available for us to capture footage, the 45 hours of tape we have will keep us busy until the Mac Pro is hopefully updated in mid-January, during Mac World (Apple, you better update the Mac Pro or else!) By the time we get the Mac Pro, we are planning to have about 20 hours of footage captured. Then we can quickly capture the rest of the footage, and finally get started on actually editing the film. 3 hours captured so far, only 42 left to go!

p.s – Go see War/Dance if it is playing near you. It is an amazing documentary!

One Comment

  1. about time, we’re waiting

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