set-up.jpgWell, we did not lie. We bought the Mac Pro (well we said we would buy the 15th, but it came out a week earlier than that!) Our Mac Pro arrived a couple of days ago, and it was well worth the wait. Months of staring at our tapes, patiently waiting for Apple to update the Mac Pro, are now behind us.

We opted for the standard configuration (2.8Ghz, Dual Quad-Core), and are upgrading the RAM and HDDs from third party vendors. We’ve already got Final Cut Pro up and running, and have been digitizing ever since.

When we wake up in the morning, we do a couple of tapes while we get ready for work, and when we get home at night, we do a few more tapes while we eat dinner and relax. With the long weekend coming up, we are hoping to have all of our tapes digitzed by the end of it. Then we can finally start on some real editing, which, something tells me, is going to be really tough! Anyways, just like having a newborn baby, we took some really cheesy shots of our new editing suite – enjoy!



  1. Mac Proexpert

    What is that key board looking thing with all the pretty colour squares on it?

  2. It’s a Final Cut Pro keyboard cover. It has all the shortcuts for Final Cut written on it, to make editing faster and easier.

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