This Fall, we teamed up with German based NGO Malteser International  to produce an identity video that would introduce their organization to an American audience just as they open new offices in Miami, FL. Malteser’s work is broad and ambitious: to provide relief during crisis as well as to provide disaster preparedness training and support recovery efforts with a focus on sustainable development. Our task was to depict this broad reach and impact while also focusing on the emotional tale of the very people Malteser serves. Most important to our approach was to visualize work that leads to “a life in health and dignity”, Malteser’s motto.  It was important to us, and Malteser, to avoid depicting the image of desperation that too often plagues the communication of many NGOs working in the developing world.

As always, our philosophy to producing visual stories remains the same: first, to show not tell.  And second, to make the story human and character-driven because ultimately, people connect to people not to programs. With these values in mind, we selected key footage and images from the wealth of visual material Malteser has collected over the years, put those images into a narrative held together by carefully selected text and an emotional original score. Here’s what we came up with:


  1. Tessa & Ben,

    Working with you on this project was an amazing experience – from the beginning, I felt like we were on the same wavelength and you understood what the project was about. We couldn’t be happier with how it turned out! Thanks again for everything.

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