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  1. Maria Moran

    Still figuring out this bolg thing- more to come- need some advice.

  2. Carl Lauro

    The world of docu film making, mostly all Lee and I care to see anyway, is so fascinating to me. I’ve never been a fan of “reality television” and am proud to say we watch NONE OF IT!! Total TRASH in my opinion, “Real Time with Bill Maher is our reality TV”. But isn’t documentary film making a different sort of reality? I would say yes….it’s my reality and it’s nice to be able to share what we’ve seen with Tessa and Ben and others that are interested in things that count. Looking forward to Michael Moore’s “Sicko” and hooray to NETFLIX for providing a fantastic video selection especially in the docu category.

    Anyway…we were at MoMa last night, kind of a funny story…we meeting friends to see the Gaudi to Dali exhibit…well we arrive at MoMa and we are looking for our friends who said they were waiting by the info. booth. When we didn’t see them, we called them again and it turns out the exhibit was at the MET!!! Total brain fart on our end…we were at the wrong museum. Everyone I’ve told this story to, lauged hysterically but I fail to see the humor in it..more like humiliation…:)

    …to the point of the story..there was an exhibit of composite digital photographs of Israel. They were hugh color pics of different scenarios, some Hassidim men and boys in the foreground with palm trees in the back…they were pieced together so perfectly…just amazing.

    One of Israeli youth hanging out in a square, looking like many young people in the world..very attractive, designer sunglasses, jeans and middrift shirts on the girls, sexy tanned bodies…really a joy to look at and made me feel very hopeful for our future.

    Well…I’m off now to battle the masses in NYC on this very humid, early June day.

    All our love,

    Peace & Blessings T&B,


  3. Tessa and Ben….we are thrilled for you both as you embark on this first of many exciting ventures in your young lives!!…your enthusiasm, zest and courage to pursue your interests and challenges – despite the inconveniences and sacrifices – will carry you both thru to life experiences that many do not encounter….it has been said that ” Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm… we wish you both much success and hope you never lose this enthusiasm!! Hugs to you both!

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