Hello to all the loyal readers of Doc/Wise, and to all the new readers we hope to gain.  We have been busy over the last year at Eidolon Films – self distributing a feature length documentary, working on two documentary shorts, working for clients, and trying to find time to relax and enjoy life.  But we have let this blog fall by the wayside.  Today we are relaunching our blog with new gusto and a new focus.  In the past we only posted about film related topics – production, editing, distribution, marketing.  All fun and interesting things, but rather limiting.  We will continue to post on these topics but add a few more that are integral to the creative life.

We plan to write our reflections on creativity, entrepreneurship, design, photography, technology art, food, travel and how these subjects intersect and interact in our lives.   Our goal is to write at least once a day, to use many more photos and designed elements in each post, and to hopefully grow and expand our audience.  So enjoy, and check out the first post right after this one!

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