Our latest client project was produced for the YWCA, as part of their YWCA Vote initiative. The campaign’s tagline “Your Voice. Your Vote. Your Future.” drove our creative, pushing us to focus on finding authentic moments that highlight why YWCA constituents vote. YWCA set out a wide net for casting, and we ended up with an incredibly diverse group of interview subjects. By pairing two people together, or even a mother with her children, we were able to quickly convey the diversity of the group as well as capture authentic, touching and funny interactions that add emotion to the video.

We went with a classic and simple setup for the interviews, allowing for the faces and voices of the subjects to stand out. We used a large grey paper backdrop lit with a single spotlight for the background, and a large soft source as the key (Litepanels Astra 6X 1×1 LED through a 1-stop white diffuser) with a small soft LED as a backlight. Keeping the setup simple also allowed the subjects to feel relaxed and natural. Additionally, we hired makeup artist Teresa Foss-Del Rosso, who highlighted the natural beauty of each woman, and reminded us again of the value of professional makeup for interview-driven content. Watch the final result below. 30 and 60 second versions will air on national broadcast television.

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