Professionals and amateurs around the world have taken stunning photos with the iphone reminding that great photography comes from spontaneous moments in unique locations with unexpected light.  In those moments, it’s unlikely that you have your DSLR slung from your neck and shutter-ready. But there’s a good chance you’ll have your iphone. A good motto is that the best camera is the one you have with you. And with all sorts of new processing apps available, it’s not just an iphone. It’s a polaroid, a Holga, or film SLR. These shots were taken at dusk on Capitol Hill after a long film shoot, a rainy windy day in New York City, at sunset on a flight back from Chicago, on a walk on 16th street, a Spring day in the kibbutz in Israel, and on a perfect San Diego afternoon. They were processed with the Camerabag App, but there are many more apps available and even entire how-to books on the subject. The fact that there’s an Iphone photography for Dummies book means that it’s become a mainstream hobby.  Check out this blog for more updates on the “iphoneography” world, as it’s now dubbed. Oh and keep snapping photos of the world you see around you. Luckily new technology means there’s no excuse not to.

*photos above taken by Ben Crosbie. More shots found on Flickr.

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