Author: eidolonfilms


Logging Verite

Our latest project is a cinema verite short about a local men’s fashion store in a gentrifying DC neighborhood. We’ve spent almost two full days in the store filming the salesmen chatting with each other and interacting with customers. We’ve asked a few questions, but nearly of our filming time […]


Art Tuesdays: Illustration

Even the wordiest of magazine publications, The New Yorker, uses some form of art. Yet instead of glossy photographs, the prestigious zine uses illustration. I recently discovered the video below on Drawn, a blog featuring illustration, animation and cartoons. It details the artistic process of New Yorker illustrator Tom Bachtell: [brightcove […]


The challenge of profiting from social issue films

The New York Times recently published an article about Participant Media‘s struggle to profit from films they distribute about the important issues of our time. It’s no secret that social-issue docs and thoughtful fiction indies sell significantly worse than major blockbuster thrillers in 3D.  Yet Participant’s efforts are compelling. They […]


The Art of the Interview

I recently came across a 2006 eulogy written by Christopher Hitchens in Vanity Fair about Oriana Fallaci, an Italian journalist who joined the resistance as a youth during WWII then spent the rest of her life questioning the exertion of power.  Hitchens draws an interesting comparison between an interview conducted […]


Three-point Lighting for Interviews

Natural light, depth, cool lights and keeping it simple. It’s our go-to formula for setting up consistently good lighting for traditional sit-down interviews.  Here’s a snapshot of a lighting set-up we did recently for a client shoot.  It wasn’t an ideal location but it was the only one available so […]


Art Tuesdays: Colorful ‘Hoods

Imagine waking up to a rainbow every day outside your window.  It might help to color your perspective for the better, don’t you think? After filming a documentary in 2005 about Hip Hop in Rio and Sao Paulo, Dutch artists Jeroen Koolhaas and Dre Urhahn, known as the artistic duo […]