Author: eidolonfilms


Art Tuesdays: Street Art!

My brother in law has a major objection to street art. He’s a public defender by trade who considers it vandalism. While he’s technically right, I can’t help but love the wallpaper, spray, stencil and paint creations that have graced public walls around the world.   What’s most interesting is our […]


The Creative Process

My nails are nibbled down to the skin. It’s a disgusting habit but it usually means I’ve been writing a lot. Deadlines make me gnaw them even more. Perhaps it’s nerves, but I’m more inclined to think of it as an occupation for my hands while my brain is working […]


Great documentaries now streaming on Netflix

For those of you with Netflix streaming, there are some great documentaries now available.  Check out my recommendations below! Marwencol: A festival favorite this year, Marwencol is a documentary about the fantasy world of Mark Hogancamp.  After being beaten into a brain-damaging coma by five men outside a bar, Mark […]


A Creative’s Coffee Shop Must-Haves

When my home office becomes too familiar, I head to the nearest coffee shop. I have a few important requirements before I deem the space appropriate for doing creative work. The shop must include comfortable seating, lots of natural light, varied and delicious caffeinated beverages, outlets and wifi, and something […]


Organization For the Creative Business

I’m a terribly disorganized person. I’ve always been. I was the kid who would lose my winter jacket, a school book, or my entire backpack. The irony of it all is that I grew up in a family of neat-freaks. It started with my grandmother, whose mortal enemy is dirt […]


Art Tuesdays: Things That Look Like Art

Since reviving the DocWise blog and expanding its focus, we’ve decided to add a new weekly series, called “Art Tuesdays.” Every Tuesday, we will feature artwork that inspires us.  Today I came across a photo essay featured on the very cool blog, Art Fag City.  It’s by photographer Juozas Cernius […]


My Life List

It was a slow day at Eidolon and it was making me anxious, as idle days often do. I felt this massive creative block that rendered me useless – sitting with my second cup of coffee watching the 4th hour of the Today Show.  When Hoda and Kathy Lee became […]



Hello to all the loyal readers of Doc/Wise, and to all the new readers we hope to gain.  We have been busy over the last year at Eidolon Films – self distributing a feature length documentary, working on two documentary shorts, working for clients, and trying to find time to […]


Hello Large Sensor, Nice to Meet You.

By Ben Crosbie With the Panasonic AF100 having just been released, and Sony having announced two new S35 video cameras, how does an indie film-maker decide on what camera to use for their next project?  DSLR, AF100, NXCAM, F3 (if you can afford it) – such a wide array of […]


Hindsight is 20/20 When Using Marketing Goggles

Keeping the Kibbutz is now beginning to screen at festivals, community centers, synagogues, universities and museums across the US and abroad.  It’s a wonderful feeling to see our work screened before audiences and to hear their feedback.   Yet what is most interesting about this stage in the life of the […]