Author: eidolonfilms


Video: Regina Holliday Painting HCAHPS

Last week we were able to help out Regina Holliday with her entry into the Design for America contest.  We spent a few hours with her, filming as she painted accross the street from the George Washington University Hospital.  Her goal was to depict the hospital’s HCAHPS data as a […]

Uncategorized, Blog

Making Mothers Picked Up For Distribution

We’re thrilled to announced that Making Mothers has been picked up for distribution by Boston-based Fanlight Productions, a mid-sized distributor that specializes in social-issue films.   We’re really looking forward to the new audiences our  film will reach with Fanlight’s help!  Check back for screening and purchase details when the film is […]


Barberin’ DVD For Sale

Barberin’ is now available for sale on DVD.  The film was released in 2007, and was an official selection at the 2007 DC Shorts Film Festival and the 2008 Our City Film Festival.  The film was mentioned in both the Washington Post and Washingtonian write-ups on DC Shorts.  If you […]


Eidolon Blogs About Silverdocs

This weekend I had the opportunity to conduct Q&A’s with a few directors at the Silverdocs Film Festival.  I met with the directors of Racing Dreams, October Country, and The Way We Get By. You can check out the published peices on the Washington City Paper website at the following links: […]


Eidolon Films Official Site Launches!

A long time in the making, our new official website has finally launched!  It will be the new home for Eidolon Films.  The blog will still live on, but will function as a real blog, not as a pseudo-website.  We will post news, movie and gear reviews, press, and funny […]


Benefiting From Your Doc Community

By Tessa Moran While LA is central to fiction filmmaking, New York City is considered the capital for documentaries. And so I’ve often been asked why I don’t move to the big apple to pursue my dream. My simple answer: why not make films anywhere else? After all, the “set” […]


Copies, Copies Everywhere.

By Ben Crosbie Ok, so you’ve finished your masterpiece – color corrected until your eyes watered and sound edited until your dog could no longer hear that slight hiss in the audio – but finally your life’s greatest work is complete. All that remains is producing a bunch of copies […]