Author: eidolonfilms


Ethics, and Svia…

“What will your film be about?” a kibbutznik asks us. After giving him a brief summary of our idea and what we have filmed so far, he pauses momentarily with a quizzical look on his face. “You must show a well rounded view of the kibbutz… do not make it […]


The Train

Director Oren Jacoby (Constantine’s Sword) quoted another documentarian: “Watch out if you think you see a light at the end of the tunnel. It’s probably just a train coming right at you.” We’ve discovered the truth of this statement in our own work. After two and a half weeks of […]


In the Kitchen.

Yesterday morning we began filming in the kitchen of the dining room. The chadar ochel, as it is called in hebrew, was an important element of kibbutz life. Kibbutzniks once ate every meal in the dining room, but now only lunch is provided. The single meal is a remnant of […]


Filming Uzi (not the gun, but the man).

Uzi Yesterday morning we filmed Uzi in his workshop. He was shy and appeared nervous about the accuracy of his English. But after some time filming, his demeanor changed and he opened up about his life in Kfar Giladi — where he was born, met his volunteer wife Kathy, and […]

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Pictures of the kibbutz.

As promised, here are some pictures of the kibbutz. These are only a few places, so we’ll post more as the summer continues.  Click on the images to see larger versions. Our apartment. The security road around the kibbutz. The new dining room. The old dining room. The kolbo (kibbutz […]

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What is this film about already?

After filming and interviewing for three full days, we finally sat down to discuss which direction we want the film to take.  Our original plan was to document three teens as they prepare for their military service.  However, we’ve found that the teens will be leaving in late August and […]