Author: eidolonfilms


Easy Ways to Create a Studio Anywhere

Shooting interviews in a studio can be an ideal scenario. You’ve got a nice large open space with background options, plenty of lighting and grip, and usually great acoustics and silence when you need it. However, none of that comes for free and without restrictions. Studio time can range from $200/hr to multiple thousands of dollars per day. And it’s not often possible to get all of your interview subjects into the same studio on the same day. So sometimes you have to bring the studio with you. How can you replicate a studio look without a studio? Here’s how we do it.


How We Find and Manage Remote Video Teams

For this project, we needed to source and manage a locally based video team in Jakarta. Timeline and budget didn’t allow for sending a video team from the USA. We’ve managed international video teams remotely for a variety of projects, meaning we direct and produce from DC while the local team executes our production plan. We then edit all the material in-house to produce the finished video. Here’s some tips we’ve picked up along the way on how to efficiently and effectively work with remote video teams.


Three Rules for Effective Storytelling

There are no hard and fast rules to storytelling. This is especially true when using video as the medium. The opportunities, tools and platforms we as production companies have to tell visual stories rapidly change, especially in the last decade we’ve been doing this work.


Three Reasons Animated Explainers Are Great for Complex Topics

We’ve produced a variety of animated explainers for our clients, most recently for JSI’s “My Village, My Home” project and their Dose Per Container Partnership. Both projects aim to increase vaccination rates in developing nations. Here’s three reasons why animated explainers can be a great tool for conveying complex ideas and topics in an engaging and creative way.


How to Evaluate the Success of Your Video

You’ve produced a video for your organization, and you’ve released it to the world. Now what? This may not be your first time at the rodeo, and it certainly won’t be your last. Each video project adds to your portfolio of communication tools and informs the production of the next. So take a moment to evaluate what was successful and what missed the mark. We explain how in part 3 of our 3-part series on working with a video production company.


Tips for Creating an Effective Video Production RFP

As time intensive as it can be, we love responding to inquiries for video production bids. We’re truly inspired by the work you do and want to help you advance your mission with our storytelling. But sometimes we receive bids that don’t include all the right information, making it difficult to gauge what the potential client wants to achieve. So we thought it might be helpful to outline what to include in a video production RFP or Inquiry.


On Teaching Documentary Film

This June, we had the unique opportunity to collaborate on the creation and instruction of an intensive documentary film course at Georgetown University’s Villa Le Balze in Florence, Italy. The Villa holds a special place for us as we were both students there almost 14 years ago. Now professional filmmakers, we teamed up with Georgetown Film & Media Studies Director and College Dean Bernie Cook to develop a program that would unite film theory and hands-on storytelling practice.


Three Things to Remember When Producing Documentary Film

It has been a while since our last update, but we are happy to share that we’ve finally reached the finish line with The Guardians. Picture lock in hand, composers Joey Burns and John Convertino of Calexico are currently working on the original score. And we will soon begin submitting to film festivals. We’re also waiting to hear where the film will land on PBS through our co-production agreement with public television funder ITVS. So stay tuned for updates. In the meantime, we thought we’d share a few takeaways from the production experience: