Tag: Fate of a Salesman


Tale of Two Cities: Marville’s Paris & my DC

One of the great fortunes of living in Washington, DC is being able to walk down to the National Gallery of Art, enter at no cost, and wander the grand halls to view a rare Van Gogh. I did that on a recent Saturday and after viewing “Green Wheat Fields,” I happened upon an an exhibit of the photography of Charles Marville, a relatively obscure French photographer from the mid-1800s. Click to read more about how Marville’s photography photography captured a changing Paris.


Bringing Together the Community

There’s a lot of exciting news to share about our latest independent film, Fate of A Salesman! We premiered our film to the DC community, and followed that with a local broadcast premiere on WHUT, all with fantastic reviews in the press. We’re looking forward to a national PBS broadcast in late winter and upcoming screenings at the St. Louis International Film Festival & The Smithsonian Anacostia Community Museum! Click through to see photos and read more!