Tag: Luang Prabang


Lenou’s Library

While in Laos, we spent an afternoon with Lenou Sypasurt, a young man with an extraordinary vision for his country: to increase literacy among children. With money he saved from working as a dishwasher in Australia, he rented a small house near Luang Prabang and converted it into a library and classroom. Above is a short pro bono video we produced about Lenou, his library and the kids who visit it to help raise money and attract volunteers. Enjoy, and visit his site if you’d like to help out!


Luang Prabang: Traveling Back in Time

Strolling through the sleepy streets of Luang Prabang, Laos is like being transported in time. For me, I was living in the 1942 classic movie Casablanca, wandering through colonial hotels and bars replete with wooden shuttered windows and courtyards filled with lush green palm trees and exotic plants. Ben felt as if he was in old Havana, Cuba with the dated cars, dilapidated sidewalks and children riding on rusty bicycles. With a world moving so fast, it is incredibly invigorating to be in place so firmly planted in the best of times. Luang Prabang has naturally attracted tourists but its UNESCO world heritage status has prevented the crumminess that tourism has brought to other Asian cities. All store signs are carved in wood and the narrow streets make passage by tourist bus impossible.